Sunday, August 5, 2012

Micro Stories/ Quotes - Volume 7

“Cheerful-grumpy, confident-insecure, caring-callous,

interested-indifferent, modest-vain etc etc.

You are the partner you keep.

                                                    - swapna

Micro Stories/ Quotes - Volume 6

“Nothing ever remains like it was.

Change steers your boat in the direction you need to go.

And go you will.

-         swapna

Micro Stories/ Quotes - Volume 5

“Bitterness is such a waste of an emotion.

It's so personal that it's moronic to hold it for someone 

who isn't personal anymore.

                                                    -         swapna

MIcro Stories/ Quotes - Volume 4

 “Some evenings define conversations.
Then there are conversations that define an evening.
Those are the ones getting dressed for.”

                                                              - swapna